Frequently Asked Questions


Dr. Lechlitner

Optometrist: Stephanie Lechlitner, O.D.
Practice: Oak Hill Eye Care, Austin, Texas
Patient: 72 YO Female
Condition: Repeat Corneal transplant and repaired retinal detachment OD

Patient presented with high myopia OU. Irregular corneal surface OD due to corneal graft.

Ocular History:
The patient has been functioning with monocular vision for about 10 years. She experienced a failed corneal transplant and recently experienced a full retinal detachment OD.

Prescribed lenses:
InSight scleral in Optimum Extra 100Dk material with Hydra-PEG surface treatment.

                  Base Curve       Power       Diameter       SAG PC
OD             6.96                    -14.50       15.6                4.342 Toric
OS             6.78                    -8.50         15.6                4.393 Toric

OU VA 20/25
The patient is over the moon with how well these scleral lenses are working and is very grateful for this technology.

Learn more here

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Optometrist: Dr. Stephen Hakimi
Practice: Pasadena Eye Associates
Patient: 50 YO female
Condition: Unilateral Keratoconus

Ocular History:
The patient wore RGPs successfully for many years but began experiencing reduced vision and clarity in her left eye. She was highly sensitive to even minor prescription changes of 0.25 Diopters, which triggered associated symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches.

Dr. Hakimi fit her left eye in the ComfortKone Lens, FDA Cleared for the indication of Keratoconus.

The ComfortKone lens provided stable vision with improved clarity and comfort, helping her eyes work together alleviating her discomfort.
Learn more here

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ECP: Esmeralda De La Torres
Practice: Kelsey-Seybold Main Campus
Patient: 25 YO Female
Condition: Undiagnosed Keratoconus

Ocular History::
A 25-year-old female patient presented with 20/400 OD and 20/200 OS. She was able to see although everything was blurry. Her vision was better as as a young child and progressively deteriorated as she grew up to where she was counting fingers by age 25.

Once the patient was properly diagnosed with Keratoconus, Esme was able to successfully fit her in the FDA Cleared ComfortKone RGP Lens.
Learn more here

20/50 OD
20/40 OS

The patient cried in the chair when she was able to see clearly for the first time in her life. Her aunt said, “Next is your driver’s license!” The patient was overwhelmed with joy.

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Dr. Arun Kaistha

Doctor: Dr. Arun Kaistha
Practice: Cooper River Eye Eye Associates, New Jersey
Patient: 15-year-old male
Condition: Undiagnosed Keratoconus

A 15-year-old male patient had been struggling with deteriorating vision for several years, visiting multiple doctors. Despite numerous consultations, the root cause of his vision issues remained unidentified, leaving the patient barely able to count fingers.

Upon visiting Dr. Kaistha, the patient was properly diagnosed with Keratoconus. The patient was fit in the InSight Scleral Lens.

Learn more here

VA of 20/20 with comfortable all day lens wear. The successful diagnosis and treatment significantly improved his vision and quality of life.

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Bilateral Keratoconus KeraSoft Thin

Patient:24 YO Male College Football Player
Condition: Bilateral Keratoconus

Ocular History:
Undetermined manifest refraction due to high corneal irregularity.

Due to high physical activity and poor GP lens tolerance, lens fit was converted to piggy-back system resulting in BCVA 20/50 OU.

Refit in Kerasoft OU with first fit parameters:
• OD BC 8.40, -4.75 -3.75 X 10, Diameter 15.0, Standard peripheral
• OS BC 8.20, -18.25, Diameter 15.0, Standard peripheral

LEARN MORE about KeraSoft
KeraSoft Diagnostic Fit Set

Dispense visit over-refraction:
• OD +1.25 -1.00 X 45 for 20/20 minus
• OS Plano for 20/20 minus

Remade OD with new lens power
-3.75 -4.50 X 65

Shortly following lens dispense, patient was recruited to a professional practice squad, relocated, and neglected follow-up.

Eight months post-dispense

  • Patient reaches out to report a drop in visual acuity.
  • The patient was instructed to report to the practitioner’s office at their earliest convenience for evaluation.
  • Upon evaluation, Kerasoft lenses exhibit excessive movement along with small over-refraction.
  • This decline in lens performance is due to lenses being used beyond their effective duty cycle.
  • The patient is informed that Kerasoft lenses must be replaced at a recommended 3-month interval.
  • The lenses can perform adequately for up to 6 months, but material degradation will result in poor performance beyond that time.
  • New Kerasoft lenses were ordered in the original parameters and in multi-packs.
  • Original dispense lens performance was restored by the new lenses and the patient was scheduled for routine follow-up.

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What is the ComfortKone Lens?
ComfortKone is an FDA Cleared RGP contact lens design for Keratoconus applications. The ComfortKone Aspheric is the most advanced lens for patients in any stage of Keratoconus. This unique lens design provides consistent results with maximum comfort and visual acuity for keratoconus patients.

What does FDA Clearance mean?
The ComfortKone lens design holds an FDA 510k clearance specifically for Keratoconus application. This means that Metro Optics submitted lens design and patient case information to the FDA demonstrating safety and efficacy of the lens on keratoconic corneas.

What is special about the ComfortKone?
This design uses a corneal alignment fitting approach to maximize comfort and visual acuity. The design features a comprehensive fitting system with controlled parameters that provide quick and consistent results, and the computer driven manufacturing systems used to create the ComfortKone ensures that every lens and fit is completely reproducible.

What are the design specifics?
The back surface of the ComfortKone lens is begins with a central spherical base curve zone which vaults over the corneal apex. It
transitions to an aspheric zone creating an alignment to the keratoconic slope. This base curve configuration causes the lens to center itself over the cone which is usually a bit off corneal center, and does not adversely affect vision or comfort. The back surface peripheral curves are similar to standard lens designs to provide maximum edge comfort and tear exchange under the lens. The front surface of ComfortKone can feature both spherical and toric optics.

Base Curve Evaluation
Slit-lamp evaluation of the lens will quickly reveal any necessary changes. After allowing the lens to settle for several minutes, instill fluorescein and use blue cobalt light with a wratten filter. The wratten filter will overcome the UV inhibitors present in the lens material so you can clearly see the tear film behind the lens. Note any areas of touch or excessive clearance from the lens center to edge. Send
photos and videos of the fluorescein patterns to your Metro Optics consultant. Be sure to use a wratten filter over the camera lens when capturing images.

The most accurate method for determining lens power for any keratoconus patient is to over refract over the best fitting diagnostic lens. This should be done following lens settling and base curve evaluation. A spherocylindrical over-refraction should be taken as the ComfortKone lens is available in toric optics.

What about empirical fitting of ComfortKone?
Although this not the ideal approach, a ComfortKone lens can be designed empirically with the aid of keratometry readings or corneal topography and manifest refractions with the help of a Metro Optics fitting consultant.

Learn More here about the ComfortKone design and our other Keratonus lens options.


Optometrist: Dr. Brian Cox
Practice: Spring Eye Care, Spring, Texas
Patient: 51 YO Male Elevator shaft technician
Condition: Advanced Keratoconus

OD -35.25
OS -32.25

Steep Ks
OD 66.5 D
OS 66.5 D

  • This was the last reading taken in 2021
  • Unable to get a current reading
  • Corneal scarring
  • Vision: patient is unable to see
  • With lenses he’s still off the chart

Doc fit patient in the ComfortKone RGP Lens FDA Cleared for Keratoconus with piggy back DT +1.00

Corrected vision 20/40 OU

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Keratoconus corneal topography both eyes

Optometrist: Erin Koetter
Practice: Eye Hub, Houston, TX
Patient: 31 YO Female Engineer
Condition: Undiagnosed Keratoconus

She had no clue that she had undiagnosed Keratoconus. She was functional at 20/400 OD and OS. She was told she had “lazy eyes.”

Once the patient was properly diagnosed with Keratoconus, Dr. Koetter successfully fit her in the ComfortKone RGP Lens and referred her for corneal cross-linking (CXL).
Learn more here

After fitting her successfully in the ComfortKone Lens, her vision is now 20/20 OU. She was floored. She had no idea what the world could even look like.

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