6 Steps to Successfully Incorporate Specialty Contact Lenses Into Your Practice

August 16, 2024 by Metro

Are you looking to offer specialty contact lenses for patients who can’t achieve their best vision with glasses or daily contacts?

Metro Optics’ innovative portfolio enables eye care professionals to source high-quality custom contact lenses, ranging from  mild prescriptions to high-cylinder patients, and even the most hard-to-fit eye conditions.

6 Steps to Success

  1. Network: Spread the word about your services. Reach out to fellow physicians, other specialists, hospitals, and professionals locally and online. Get to know your business neighbors, ask if you can bring literature to their practice, and ask questions about their demographics. Talk to realtors, hair stylists, church members, pickleball league buddies, your child’s friends’ parents—everyone!
  2. Staff Education: Educate your staff with the abundance of free resources on YouTube, the GPLI webinars, and Scleral Lens education Society. Empower staff by getting familiar with ocular conditions, lens modalities, and billing. Schedule lunch and learns with your local reps to learn more about each company and their lens designs. Register your account in the Physician Portal to access Insertion and Removal video tutorials.
  3. Questionnaire: Ask your patients questions about their vision, comfort, dryness, and satisfaction with their current contacts. Often, patients won’t bring up issues unless prompted, assuming their vision is as good as it can be. The doctor can address their answers during the visit.
  4. Patient Education: Offer educational resources for your patients, such as concise one-page handouts that outline the benefits of custom contact lenses. Including information on their options, the proper care systems,  solutions and where to purchase them can enhance patient compliance and over all ocular health.
  5. Leverage Your Labs: Don’t hesitate to ask your labs questions. They are a valuable resource with insights and expertise. Each lab may offer different perspectives on lens modalities, designs and strategy. Let technology do the heavy lifting! Send images to your consultants at info@metro-optics.com to optimize the fitting session.
  6. Current content: Actively updating content on your website and social media profiles helps your ideal patient find your practice when they search online. If your website includes content that addresses their ocular condition, they will be more likely to schedule an appointment with you. Offer resources for them to connect with other people with their condition. For example https://nkcf.org for your Keratoconus patients.

When patients see that you genuinely care about providing the best possible vision rather than just settling for the status quo, they will trust and invest in you because you’ve invested in them. While some patients may be content with their current vision, others will be thrilled that you’ve given them a better option.

Education is powerful. By offering all available options to your patients, you enable them to make informed decisions, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

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