InSight Scleral Lens Checklist

January 15, 2025 by Metro

What Information Do You need to order an InSight Scleral Lens?

Our methodology focuses on simplicity and optimizing your chair time. Provide us with your observations, and we’ll handle the lens parameters.

If you can place a diagnostic lens on the eye with sodium fluorescein (NaFl), note your observations, we can deliver an initial lens within a few days.

Corneal and scleral GP lenses typically take 2–3 days to manufacture; Hydra-PEG adds one day to the process. Standard shipping is 2-3 business days.

Checklist for Simplified Ordering:

1. Initial Lens Selection
Based Selection on Sagittal Height
This reflects the overall curvature of the cornea.

  • Steep/Ectatic Corneas: Start with the Prolate 5.000 SAG
  • Flatter/Oblate Corneas: Select the Oblate 4.750 SAG

2. Evaluation (Three Steps)

  1. Central Clearance:
    Aim for ~250 microns of clearance, represented by a 1:1 ratio—250 microns of post-lens tear film and 250 microns of lens center thickness.
  2. Peripheral Clearance:
    Ensure NaFl clears the limbus 360° with 50–80 microns of peripheral clearance. Look for any areas of bearing or blanching; the limbus should always be vaulted.
  3. Edge Alignment:
    The lens should sit comfortably on the conjunctiva. Check for signs of impingement or blood vessel constriction.

    Please send images or short 2-3 second videos of the lens on the eye.

    Quick Tip:
    After lens removal, check for staining and report it to consultation if present.

3. Patient Feedback

Ask the patient how the lens feels:

  • Lens Awareness: If the patient feels the lens, it’s likely a landing issue.
  • Discomfort: If the lens is uncomfortable, remove it immediately. Scleral lenses should be very comfortable.

4. Topography:

Provide topographical data for consultation—it gives a clearer picture for customized lens fitting.

5. Anterior Segment OCT (Optional):

If available, AS-OCT images offer additional data to help understand what is happening with the lens on the eye, though it is not required.

6. HVID (Horizontal Visible Iris Diameter):

This measurement is essential for incorporating multi-focal optics, optimizing visual acuity and customizing the lens to the patient’s lifestyle.

7. Sphere-Cylinder Over-Refraction:

The SCOR provides the most accurate visual acuity and avoids inducing astigmatism. The InSight Scleral Lens can incorporate up to +3.00 D of ADD power.

8. Pertinent Patient Information:

Provide details such as:

  • Previous contact lens wear
  • Surgical procedures
  • Visual demands
  • Any factors that could significantly impact the lens design

9. Hydra-PEG (Optional):

Ask during consultation if Hydra-PEG is suitable for the patient.
Hydra-PEG Benefits:

  • Improves wettability by lowering the wetting angle
  • Reduces deposits and fogging

Please call consultation with the above information to discuss further, and we will have the lenses to you in a few short days.

If you don’t have all the information listed above, don’t worry! Our experienced consultants can design a lens based on the details you provide. The more accurate information we receive, the faster we can get the final lens to you.

We are here to support you every step of the way!

Your Metro-Optics Team

CONSULTATION: 800-223-1858


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